Saturday, April 28, 2012

Steps To Protect Yourself From Cyber Crime

  1. Learn about cyber crime and talk to your family about how to identify scams. Never give out your personal information to anyone you do not know on the Web.
  2. Use a firewall to protect your computer from hackers. Most security software comes with a firewall. Turn on the firewall that comes with your router as well.
  3. Purchase and install anti-virus software such as McAfee or Norton Anti-Virus. AVG offers free anti-virus protection if you do not wish to purchase software.
  4. Shop only at secure websites. Look for a Truste or VeriSign seal when checking out. Never give your credit card information to a website that looks suspicious or to someone you don't know.
  5. Use strong passwords on your accounts that are difficult to guess. Include both letters and numerals in your passwords. Never use a word that is easy to guess -- like your wife's name.
  6. Keep watch over your children and how they use the Internet. Install parental control software to limit where they can surf.

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